Select the Ingredient List link to view the .pdf list of ingredients.

(Dairy Nutrient and Ingredient list in .pdf )
10% Barnyard Buffet
14% Goat Pellet

(Poultry Nutrient and Ingredient list in .pdf )
9% Cracked Corn
9% Grain Scratch
9%  6-Grain Scratch – 40 lbs.
9% Non-GMO Scratch – 40 lbs.
9% Organic 3 grain Scratch
16% Fowl Power
16% Duck & Goose Pellet
16% Complete Layer Crumble or Pellet
16% Non-GMO Layer Pellet or Crumble – 40 lbs.
18% Organic Layer Pellet – 40 lbs.
18% All Purpose Poultry Pellet or Crumble
18% Non-GMO All Purpose Poultry Pellet – 40 lbs.
20% Glick’s Emu
20% Chick Starter – medicated or non – 50 lbs.
20% Non-GMO Chick Starter – 40 lbs.
22% Meat bird crumble – non-medicated
22%Organic Chick Starter/Broiler
22% Turkey Medicated Start/Finish
27% Gamebird Pellet or crumble
Meal worms – 1 lbs.
Black oil sunflower

(Swine Nutrient and Ingredient list in .pdf )
14% Hog Grower/Finisher
14% Pot Belly Pig
16% Hog Grower/Finisher
16% Non-GMO Swine

(Rabbit Nutrient and Ingredient list in .pdf  )

18% Payback Rabbit

(Horse Nutrient and Ingredient list in .pdf )
12% Horse Feed
15% Gallop Horse
15% Mare & Foal
14% Mountaineer Pellet
10% Rolled Corn/Oats/Barley (COB)
13% Senior Horse Pellet
12% Sterling Horse

(Other Feed and Grain Nutrient and Ingredient list in .pdf )
9% Rolled Oats
9% Whole Oats
15% Alfalfa Pellets
9% Bran
9% Rolled Corn
9% Whole Corn
46% Soybean Meal
9% Rolled Barley
9% Whole Barley
9% Beetpulp Pellets
12% Rice Bran
Pea/Bean Mix

(Mineral Mixes etc. Nutrient and Ingredient list in .pdf )
50lb Milk Replacer
25lb Kitty Litter
60lb Swine Base
50lb Bicarb
50lb 12-12 Mineral
Zinc Sulfate
50lb Sheep Mineral
40lb Molasses
50lb Oystershell
50lb Flaxseed
50lb #1 Cherrystone
50lb #2 Cherrystone
60lb TM Salt Bricks 15/4lb
50lb Mixing Salt Sacks
50lb Coarse Salt Sacks
50lb Salt Sack
50lb TM Selenium Salt Sack
50lb Salt Blocks
50lb Iodized Salt Block
50lb Limestone Flour